Guides for reviewers
Reviewing process guideline
The outcomes of the reviewing process
The pre-review process of a new submission is initiated by the editor in chief and consists in considering of appropriateness of the paper to aims and scopes as well as to the technical and linguistic standards by the competent members of the Editorial board. The first step of the pre- review process is the plagiarism check performed by the executive editor for similarity checking using the iThenticate software.
Manuscripts which pass the pre-peer-review will undergo complete international scientific review process. The editor in chief will assure the most competent reviewers available at the moment. At least two peers will be involved in the review process of scientific papers. At least one peer review must be international. The editor in chief organizes the reviewing process and inform the authors about the status and progress of the review process.
The review process is single blinded.
In a single blind peer review, reviewers’ identities are kept hidden from authors. However, the reviewers know the identity of authors. MS-Word reviewer’s template can be downloaded here Reviewee’s Template.
The outcomes of the review process are as follows: acceptable for publication, acceptable with minor revisions, acceptable with major revisions, after revision has to be refereed again and not acceptable.
Results of the review process are treated as private and are not available to any person or institution outside the Editorial board. The identity of reviewers is not communicated with authors. A list of reviewers contributing to the process is attached here at the end of each year.
Declined papers
There are no special obstacles for resubmitting of formerly non-accepted papers after substantial improvements. In that case authors are requested to summarize the changes which could qualify their paper for reconsideration.
Accepted papers
Authors of accepted papers are kindly requested to perform a final formatting in the journals’ template and necessary language corrections. The MS-Word journal template is provided by the editor. The final form of the manuscript will also be checked by the Editorial board prior publishing.
Accepted and technically ready papers will be immediately published in OnLineFirst mode in the next issue l. The papers are published in digital format and became available on Authors are kindly asked to check again the published paper on Internet and report problems or confirm appropriateness of the published paper. Minor corrections in text are possible under OnLineFirst status of the publication.
Reviewer certificate
Journal Brodogradnja provides a personalised reviewer certificate, to authenticate and honour reviewers’ contribution. The reviewer certificate can be downloaded from the submission system.
An International Journal of Research and Development
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